Friday, August 29, 2014

PineCone Research Paid Survey

PineCone Research Paid Survey

PineCone Research is another Paid Survey site, however you will not find "sign up now", "join now" or "register now" link on their site because they do not recruit new members through their website or take unsolicited referrals. They also do not take new members all year round. What they do is post recruitment opportunities through banner ads on various websites from time to time throughout the year. If you see one of these ads, then you are in luck. You should be a resident of United States and Canada and 13 years old and above in order to join. Those sign up ads ussually are seen on personal finance sites and frugal blogs.

Payout is through check or PayPal.

However, be aware of fraud which uses the name PineCone Research. There's a report on BBB about this scam, and they are warning people not to fall in their scheme.

"BBB is issuing a warning about a business, posing as PineCone Research Panel, to fraudulently conduct a mystery shopping check cashing scam.  Consumers receive a counterfeit check and are advised to cash it.  Once cashed, consumers are then asked to secretly shop a money transfer business by wiring funds to unknown individuals.  Consumers who have been scammed have reported losing as much as $3,060."


  1. ah thanks for all these lovely tips! i have been blogging since 2011 and lost touch with some of my old friends. how are you?

  2. You can make $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what major companies are paying for. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. So these companies pay millions of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, like me, participates in surveys and gives them their opinion.
