Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Work Online as a Freelancer - Project4Hire

Another online freelancer marketplace where you find projects that includes Web Design, Web Promotion/marketing, SEO, Forum Posting, Technical writing, Programming (.net, C/C, Java, VB), graphic design, Accounting, Finance, etc.

If you are a client, the great thing about the site is you can post projects for FREE. Your registration is also for free and you are not obligated to hire anyone. But if you hire on a permanent basis you need to post on Employment Ad which will cost you $10.

However, if you are a freelancer that will provide the service the registration and the bidding is also FREE. But if you got the project, you will need to pay a Project Acceptance Fee (commission fee). The fee is 5% of your winning bid. It will should be paid before you start the project. Most of the time the client pay for the Project Acceptance Fee.
Check them HERE:  Project4Hire

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